Listing Remarks
This 159.3 acres (approx) borders Hwy 401, Merwin Lane and County Rd 2 and is adjacent to the new Prescott Recreational Centre and water tower. This land falls into the “Augusta Land Use Strategy Official Plan Amendment” Prepared by Foten Planning & Design with the Land Use Structure as follows:
The Land Use Structure envisions the area developing with both new commercial and residential uses.
Commercial uses are intended to include new light industrial, commercial, office and retail uses which compliment these existing uses in Prescott and Augusta, and support new residential uses in the Land Use Strategy Area.
Residential uses are planned at low to medium densities, while a central Residential Core can accommodate medium to higher density built forms.
Services are to be provided in partnership between Augusta Township and the Town of Prescott.
The final concept report is available upon request or visit Augusta Township website at:
All Buyers will be responsible to complete their own due diligence with respect to all aspects of this property and its future development potential. For questions regarding the plan and future development please email:
Melissa Banford
Planner, Township of Augusta