About Me
Paul has a degree in Business Administration from Brock University and Ag Diploma from University of Guelph. I have 15 years of animal nutrition and understand first hand what is required to make dairy farmers old and new successful. I have 15 years of agricultural banking and can match the financial results to management and facilities. Included in that time was business development, adding new barns, 2nd dairies or new people to farms. I have also worked summers on 30 cow and 90 cow tie stall operations hands on cattle, feeding and crop production. My family farmed Cow-calf/cash crop/custom work in Grenville County.
I am 56 years old, married 31 years to Saskia with one son. We live in Almonte, Ontario.
After experience the most important skill is listening. We have experience in Eastern, Northeastern and Central Ontario. These regions can provide best in class assets and results with less price/acre when buying. Ask us!